OLMC is committed to the principles and practice of democracy in Australia, including a commitment to:
- An elected Government
- The rule of law
- Equal rights of all before the law
- Freedom of religion
- Freedom of speech and association
- Values of openness and tolerance.
We believe that the above stated principles are implicit in our Vision and Mission Statement and explicit in our learning and teaching programs. We strive to ensure that our students develop:
- An understanding of, and commitment to, Australia's democratic system of government, law and civic life
- The knowledge, skills and values to act as informed and responsible citizens
- An appreciation of the experiences and heritage of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples and their influence on Australian civic identity and society
- An appreciation of Australia as a multicultural society and a commitment to supporting intercultural understandings
- An understanding of the ways in which governance structures from other countries are similar to, or differ from, democracy in Australia.
In giving practical expression to these endeavours, OLMC will remain steadfast in:
- Referencing democratic values and principles in the College's community engagement and service programs and in our faith, mission and religious education programs
- Flying the Australian flag
- Displaying the Values for Australian Schooling poster in various campus areas and promoting these values in our curriculum documentation and classroom learning
- Teaching the Civics and Citizenship learning area of the Victorian Curriculum
- Providing students with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to understand and practise what it means to be a citizen in a democracy.