Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Our College Theme for 2023 comes from Luke’s account of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, where the lawyer asks Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ after declaring he follows the Laws of Moses.

So as we begin our academic year once more, how might OLMC be a place of hospitality, compassion, justice, courage and joy for others?

So we pray…

God of Mercy and Blessing
Support and strengthen us as we begin this new school year,
As we live your love and action in our world.
May our place be one of welcome, hospitality, justice and compassion for all we encounter.
We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord.

Upcoming Liturgies

As the OLMC Faith community we will celebrate God’s love for us and presence in our world with the following Masses and Liturgies:

  • Thursday 16 February at 6:30pm
    Year 7 Mass of Welcome, where our newest members of the Mercy family will be presented, blessed and welcomed.
  • Monday 20 February
    Whole School Mass asking God to bless our new school year, including the blessing and investiture of the 2023 Student Leaders and the blessing of our new buildings.
  • Wednesday 22 February
    Ash Wednesday, commemorates the beginning of the holy Season of Lent.
    Please note the canteen will not serve any meat products on this day.