We hope you have all had an amazing break and are ready for a great term ahead.

We would like to highlight the SRC’s new challenge for all of you - the ‘Courage and Empowerment Challenge’. A series of videos have been posted to SIMON with ways in which YOU can spread courage and empowerment throughout our school and OLMC community. Be sure to check out the videos posted weekly on SIMON and help spread the word of courage and empowerment.

After two years of online learning, House Arts is back! Our Arts Captains Nikita and Emma have been busily working over the past few weeks to promote and organise House Arts to make this one the best one yet, and introduce our 7s, 8s and 9s to it for the first time. For those who don’t know, House Arts is a House-based talent show, and is such an amazing opportunity for everyone across the school to showcase their talents with their peers, the rest of the school community, and, importantly, to represent and earn points for their House!

House Arts, for us, creates such a supportive and inclusive environment, which is conducive to OLMC’s culture. Whether you’re an audience member or performing up on stage, it really brings the whole community together and allows us to empower and encourage one another.

House Arts will be held on Wednesday 10 August, and we all cannot wait!

Carla De Vuono and Jasmin Burns
2022 Communications Captains