Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Each fortnight, eleven Year 7 students spend quality time with some residents at Trinity Lane in Ivanhoe. Villa Maria offers this accommodation to vulnerable seniors in our community at very affordable rates. In addition, these residents are offered a 49-year lease. For many, this is their first-ever permanent home.

Here is one resident's message from last week:

Just a note to thank you for introducing us to the students from OLMC. It has helped to see my life in perspective, all the different teaching and learning roles and sharing lives with my loved ones. Telling them about family and friendships and now being here in the units at Trinity Lane. We shared many experiences meeting inspiring people overseas, yoga, dance, Tai Chi and now afternoon teas and sausage sizzles. Delights for me these days are renewed and new life and what we can save in the environment in any form, which we see daily in new grand nieces and nephews, students, early spring plants and birds that are beginning to wake us again after the cold winter. After an adventure with my health last year, everything is a bonus, and our interviews and visits have helped me to recognise and realise this. 🙏🏾We pray for peace in our wider world and trust ourselves and young ones worldwide who are doing their best 🙏🏾🌠😉💕🌏🌝Thank you again.