Meet our Design, Art and Technology students!

Recently we interviewed a group of Year 12 students studying Media, Art Creative Practice, Visual Communication Design and Food Studies about what it’s like to be a DAT student.

Thanks to Ella P, Caitlyn A, Angelique M, Genevieve Q, Indra L, Natasha A and Keira L for sharing your honest thoughts!

Are there any personal experiences at home or memories of earlier years at school that influenced your decision to choose it at VCE?

‘Doing both Fashion and Media in Year 10 influenced my passion in costume design that I never had before - and to start sewing. I now sew a lot of my own clothes!’

‘I’ve always really enjoyed photography - both digital and film. My siblings did Media at school and also loved it, so I got my passion from them. There is something really cool about the look of film photography that you don't get in digital.’

‘When I realised in Year 9 that Food Studies isn’t just about cooking or hospitality, I saw that it’s a subject that really aligns with my interest in health and the environment.’

What is something new that you have learnt in your DAT VCE Subject this year?

‘I've learnt ways of working with a number of new materials such as lino prints, oil painting and how to produce wearable art garments.’

Trying the oil paints with Jess (our artist in residence) was really interesting. I love how we get the chance to try so many things when we work with different materials that we would never be able to otherwise access.’

‘Something I’ve learnt in Media in particular is an understanding of the huge importance of lighting. I also never realised that every part of a media production involves really specific, creative choices.’

‘I was surprised to learn that our food systems are so global and interconnected and how that can also have such a big impact on the environment.’

Do you see any connections between your DAT subjects and other areas of study or personal interests you have?

‘You are given a lot of freedom to explore your interests and also develop life skills in creativity that will be really valued in whatever job you do.’

‘Media really focuses on critical thinking skills. We consume so much media every day but we don't often critically think about what the intention of the media maker is and who controls the media, which I think is an important life skill.’

Does completing this subject help in your future career aspirations or goals?

‘For me I see that Art has opened up a lot of horizons and new options for future jobs and careers that had never occurred to me before.’

‘Photography at this stage will probably not be my first choice of career, but it's a skill that I know I will be able to use in so many different contexts and professions. Already I have taken a lot of images for my local football club, which they have really appreciated.’

‘I’m interested in studying health and biology at Uni and studying food has really reinforced how important it is to understand nutrition.’

Does studying art play a positive role in your overall high school experience and sense of belonging to OLMC?

‘Art is something that I'm good at - I have never really felt a strong sense of that in my other subjects at school. My ideas and work are valued. I love that there can be so many possibilities and answers. Ideas and opinions are respected.’

‘For me doing a DAT subject is so different to my other ones - there is less of a focus on remembering the set knowledge presented to you by the teacher. You explore what interests you and then go about gaining the knowledge that comes from that. Sometimes it doesn't feel like school work in that traditional sense.’

‘The atmosphere in a VCE DAT classroom feels a bit different- more chilled.’

Do you have any advice for students thinking of choosing a DAT subject in VCE?

‘It’s not a bludge. It can be a lot of work - you can't leave this kind of work until the last minute. You need to stay on top of things or it can get really hard.’

‘If you've enjoyed your DAT subjects so far, then choose one! School is boring if you aren't following your passions!’

‘Art is a great way to express yourself - there's still a structure to the course to help guide you in what you create so you're not lost but within that there's lots of freedom as well.’

‘People don’t realise that Art isn't just painting - Media isn't just filming, VCD isn't just making logos - you can work in any medium - You can follow your interests!’

‘Don’t let people talking about scaling affect your decision. If you love it then you will get a good mark. It's easy to do well if you enjoy what you are doing.’

Mark Jenkinson
Design, Art and Technology Learning Leader