Simon Conlan
Leader of Learning Development

As previously mentioned in the Newsletter, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS), will take place in the last part of this term. Parents and guardians with students in Years 7 and 11 will be contacted this year with a request to participate in the surveys. I encourage parents and guardians to complete the surveys, as their responses provide an important complement to the student and staff survey results. The areas of the surveys that are tailored specifically for parent and guardian feedback are:

  • General demographic information
  • Family engagement
  • Barriers to engagement
  • School fit
  • School climate
  • Student safety
  • Communication
  • Catholic identity.

Obviously, parents and guardians bring tremendous experience and value to schools, and their experience of being part of the OLMC community provides valuable insights for the College Leadership Team.

Parent and guardian survey invitations will be sent out early in the week beginning Monday 28 August and surveys will remain open until Friday 15 September. If you would like more information or if you would like to volunteer for participation in MACSSIS, please contact me at the College: sconlan@olmc.vic.edu.au or 9455 2511.