On Wednesday 16 October, a group of eager students across Years 9, 10 and 11 attended the Endeavour Engineering and IT Exhibition at the University of Melbourne. This event showcased the final year projects of students in the Masters in Engineering and IT and students were witness to incredible research processes and proposed solutions related to a variety of engineering and IT specialisations. Faced with the prospect of large crowds and sprawling stands, our students’ curiosity and confidence shone as they approached countless groups to hear about their innovations. They gained an insight into not only the study and professional expectations of engineering and IT, but also the potential impact and opportunities these fields can have on people and the world. Congratulations to this group of students who accepted this invitation. Some of their reflections are below.

Melinda Williams
Careers Coordinator

The Endeavour Exhibition was an eye-opening experience, particularly in understanding the breadth of skills required for engineering, such as coding, problem-solving, and communication. What stood out to me the most was how the rising importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is shaping the future of engineering. Many of the students’ projects highlighted the significance of knowing how to utilise AI effectively, which underscores the value of engineering as a major. The ability to leverage AI tools to solve problems, optimize processes, and create innovative solutions is becoming increasingly critical in our rapidly developing society. This exhibition has reinforced my understanding that engineering is not only about building and design but also about shaping the future of society.

Amy C (11LJVA)

I really enjoyed learning about ideas that current students had thought of and their whole process of completing their end of year assignment. It really surprised me that there were so many different ideas that were all unique and creative. I found that the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering majors were the most interesting and attending the event has inspired me to potentially pursue an engineering degree and major in one of the two.

Allegra M (10AASE)

I felt inspired by the large variety of creations and ideas, and it made me more excited to go to university. I wish we could've stayed longer.

Ava L (10MMZI)

I really enjoyed getting an insight into what university life is like whilst receiving helpful responses that have inspired my future with engineering. In particular, I learnt about how medicine is integrated with engineering to create amazing biomedical engineering products.

Isabella L (9LDA)

I was surprised at the complexity of projects that the students were working on. A lot of the projects seemed futuristic in a way and it was cool to learn that things like that were happening presently.

Rianna J (10CCTR)