Our recent visit to Werribee Zoo gave students the chance to explore wildlife conservation, species interactions, and Indigenous cultural practices. Here are some key reflections:

Olivia noted, ‘One thing that stood out to me was how some of the animals are free to roam in certain areas.’ This deepened her understanding of how animals interact with their environments.

The impact of kangaroos on other species was a focus. Lara said, ‘When kangaroos are in a confined space it's evident that they take up a lot of space which impacts the other animals.’ Maya added, ‘Overgrazing can lead to areas of grasslands being damaged with the ability for re-growth impacting other animals’ ability to graze.’

Indigenous cultural practices were also explored. Olivia shared, ‘These cultural practices allow particular species to become protected and looked after.’ Ava reflected, ‘Considering the elders of the Indigenous people are wise and their techniques have been used for many generations, modern approaches can be influenced from the successful use of their techniques.’

Students gained a better understanding of species interdependence. Callista noted, ‘Different species rely and depend on each other and the environment for their survival.’ Ariella was struck by the Eastern Barred Bandicoot’s story, saying, ‘They highlighted its journey from near extinction to a more stable population due to dedicated breeding and release programmes.’

Animal adaptations fascinated many. Sara said, ‘The kangaroo’s adaptations story really helped me to understand how the adaptations help the animals survive.’ Ava observed, ‘The Eastern Grey Kangaroo uses its tail (which has a very strong muscle) to hop around almost acting as a third leg.’

The gorilla enclosure left an impression. Sara remarked, ‘Something that stood out was the way the gorilla acted and how similar its behaviours were to humans.’ Jamieson added, ‘I was surprised by the gorilla’s behaviours. He was very active with the people watching and used his physical [intimidation] as a warning.’

In summary, Olivia said, ‘The zoo experience allowed me to see the physical impact of interdependencies and understand how different species live simultaneously.’ These reflections highlight how the visit enhanced students' understanding of conservation and the balance of ecosystems.

Jonathon Broughton
Science Teacher