Judith Weir

This week the Year 12 students spent the week celebrating the end of their journey at OLMC by dressing up with a different theme each day. On Monday next week, we will hold our final Year 12 Assembly where we will recognise a number of students for their outstanding formal and informal leadership in a range of different aspects of life at OLMC.

Mass will be celebrated on the evening of Tuesday 22 October and will be a wonderful opportunity to recognise our Year 12s with the blessings of God and our community. This will be followed by dinner at the Melbourne Convention Centre where we will joyfully share wonderful stories of their six years and a moment of thanks with parents and students.

The celebrations signify the end of formal classes here at OLMC and marks a new journey for our students. It does not, however, mark an end to our relationship. All of our students will remain ever linked to OLMC and we will always hold them in our prayers.

We wish all our Year 12 students the very best for their coming exams and share this prayer for them:

Let us especially pray for our Year 12 students as they enter into exams.
God, we ask that they especially feel your closeness during this time.
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand.
Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory.
Give them the ability to grasp things correctly.
Point out the beginning, direct their progress and help them in the completion of each of their responses.
Holy Spirit, send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Author: Mr John O'Sullivan

This week we held the annual Art Show, where we were able to showcase student art work and provide the chance to view the work for parents and students. I continue to be awed and inspired by the depth and breadth of talent amongst our students.

Each year it is our great privilege to display a number of student artworks which hang in our Administration Building as part of the Caldow Collection. They are framed and remain there for the year to be admired by all who pass through the halls of OLMC. Students are also honoured with the presentation of a certificate at the Art Show. Congratulations to all whose pieces were exhibited both at the Art Show and in the Caldow Collection, we look forward to sharing in the joy of your art works.

Congratulations to Isabella R (10AJIN) for her selection into the Australian Women's Deaf Basketball team, the Geckos, at the recent Asia Pacific Deaf Basketball Championships. They came away with a silver medal and have qualified to represent Australia at the 2025 Tokyo Deaflympics.

Congratulations also to Lavinia W (9NWA) who has competed recently at the highest level in cycling.

We congratulate both of these students and look forward to continuing to support them as they compete on the world stage for their respective sports.

Mercy Ministry Companions Conference

Each year since 2022 Mercy Ministry Companions holds a conference to develop community and offer formation experiences to the leaders of Education, Health, Community and Aged Care Services who are all part of the broader Mercy Community.

Angela Scaffidi, who is also our College Advisory Council Co-Chair, very generously acted as Master of Ceremonies and facilitator for the conference and this year OLMC students had the opportunity to lead prayer and participate in a Vignette led by Angela. The Choir also sang the Suspice as part of the prayer. The response to the students, both the Choir and speakers was overwhelmingly positive. The students were such a credit to themselves, their families and their school. Participants in the conference were left in no doubt that the future of our world will be in very capable, caring and astute hands.

World Teachers’ Day – Friday 25 October

Australia is celebrating World Teachers’ Day on Friday 25 October. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) are calling us to celebrate with a theme of ‘Hats off to teachers’.

So much has been written in the media in recent years, about the challenges of teaching and the attrition within the profession. World Teachers’ Day is a chance for us to celebrate, as a community, the enormous amount of work our teachers do to support not only the academic wellbeing of our students but all aspects of their growth.

We are encouraging students, their families and the community to celebrate not only our teachers but teachers around Australia.