Judith Weir

On the last Thursday of Term 3 we celebrated Mercy Day. I continue to be inspired by the creativity and enthusiasm of our students. We celebrated Mass together and so many students took on roles helping to lead our community in prayer. The Staff vs Student Family Feud that is becoming an annual event, was funny and engaging and once again the best of OLMC was on display.

Students had options to choose from activities within the values of Justice, Compassion, Courage and Joy. The activities ranged from meditation and yoga to sports training, escape rooms, karaoke, dance parties and discos to scavenger hunts and baking. The student leaders were outstanding in their leadership of the day and I would like to congratulate everyone for being involved. There was so much fun and laughter in the sessions I joined over the day. The spirit of Mercy was certainly alive and well even if we were all online.

Mercy Day is also an important opportunity for us to think about others and to respond to greater needs than our own. Each year we try to raise funds for Mercy Works and this year we focused on supporting the work in PNG. To all of our students and families who donated; thank you. Your generosity will go some way to ease the hardship of others. If you would like to donate you will find a link in the article by Brooke Kilborn and Shane Taylor about Mercy Day.

This week we welcomed all our students undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 study as they arrived to complete the GAT and then begin classes. Staff and students welcomed the opportunity to connect with each other face to face and to be back at school. It was an important opportunity to chat with friends and to see each other. Our Year 12 students have been exemplary in their approach to their return to school and all that this has meant. They have shown amazing courage and resilience during the last two years. They are truly leaders and role models for other students and I am filled with hope for the future. We hold them in our thoughts and prayers as they complete classes, Swot Vac and exams.

Term 4 is important for every student, and our teachers will strive to continue to deliver high-quality learning for everyone. We have previously provided guidance on what the return to school will look like for students in Years 7-11. We anticipate that from 26 October we will be able to welcome all students back to onsite learning for at least part of the week.

The next few weeks will challenge us all as we wait for the granting of much hoped for freedoms. We hope you and your families continue to be healthy and find opportunities for joy.