We are approaching the season of Advent, a season of “new beginnings offering us images of transformation and hope. It is the season of the impossible becoming possible; of longing and light. Week by week, candles are lit on the Advent wreath signifying our longing for the light of Christ, as the time of his birth draws near and it is the cause of our joy at Christmas”. This year we have much to long for and, with hope in our hearts that our world will recover from the pandemic we look forward to this time of great promise in the birth of Christ.
On Wednesday the last Year 12 exam was held, our students have now completed their study and I am sure they are looking forward to celebrating with friends in the coming weeks. This week Year 10 and 11 students completed classes in preparation for the beginning of their exams. This will be an important opportunity to concentrate on developing good study habits and assessing what has worked well and what might need to be reviewed as part of preparing for Year 12. We wish all the students the very best with their exams.
Following the exam period Year 10 and 11 students will move into a program that begins the conversations and preparations for 2022. The program will provide an opportunity to explore the challenges that 2022 might hold and to reflect on what might have been learnt from the last two years. It will be a very important time to understand the expectations and demands of VCE and to organise how the summer preparation might be approached.
The year is rapidly coming to an end and in many respects it feels quite odd to be talking about the end of the year when it feels like it only just started. We do still have quite a bit of work to do and I encourage all of our students to make the most of the next few weeks continuing to strive to achieve their best not only in their studies but by remaining involved in all the activities available at school.
I once again share this prayer for exams, in the hope that you might also share it with your daughter. I hope that, in a small way, it may help to bring calm in the exam room.
Prayer for Exams
Come still my heart,
O Lord Calm my nerves and focus my mind.
Father, I lay before you everything I have studied.
May I channel all I have learnt into this exam.
Please give me the faith to believe I can pass this test,
Yet the peace to know that all is well.
Thank you that you are with me no matter what the result,
Thank you that your friendship is eternal.
(A prayer for students taking an exam from www.lords-prayer-words.com)