This time of term is always busy, as we feel as though we have one foot in 2021, while the other foot is in 2022.

Andrew Gibson
Director of Learning and Teaching

Year 12 VCE students finished their exams this week, and on Thursday 18 November students in Years 10 and 11 commenced their End of Semester Exams. Students in Year 7-9 are completing a range of tasks over the next week, from podcasts to essays and tests.

Friday 26 November is Correction Day, when teachers will be assessing the tasks that have been submitted and continuing to correct exams. As such, it is a Student Free Day.

In the week beginning 29 November, our students in Years 10 and 11 start their Orientation Program for their 2022 subjects.

The Orientation program signals the commencement of the school year ahead and is an opportunity for students to start to understand what is required of them in their VCE or VCAL program in 2022. The summer holiday is a break from formal school, but an important time for students to continue to learn – whether through set homework, revision of prior learning or reading texts in preparation for the year ahead. With the challenges that 2020 and 2021 has brought, with a significant amount of time being taught remotely, it is also an opportunity for students to reflect on their year, and to approach 2022 with a sense of opportunity, purpose and awareness of potential growth.

Student reports for Semester 2 will be available on PAM by Tuesday 7 December. When they are available you will receive a notification via email and an announcement will be placed on PAM. The email will also provide you with an outline of the reports. As with reports over the last two years, the impact of remote learning has meant that the range of tasks reported on will, in some cases, differ from that of previous years.