The Student Leadership Team has chosen to focus on the theme of courage and empowerment for 2022. This is something we are keen to explore with all students, and we encourage them to figure out what that means to them. Whether it is talking to someone new, getting a friend to take a leap of faith, or by getting out of their comfort zone and participating in a new activity or club. The Year 12 Student Leadership Team aims to encourage our peers to challenge themselves to sign up for something new this term, whether that be a GSV sport, music ensemble or joining a new lunchtime club, like debating.
As your 2022 Communications Captains, we have worked hard to create a new and improved Student Leadership Website that represents what is essential to students across the College. The Website includes information about the Year Level Coordinators, School Counsellors, Lunchtime Clubs and Activities, and important term dates. It also gives students the opportunity to learn more about House Activities and make submissions about ideas that they have to both the Student Leaders and the SRC. Students can access the website on SIMON.
“OLMC WE NEED TO TALK” is a podcast created by the SRC in 2021. The latest episodes focus on the challenges and highlights of transitioning into a new year level. There are great discussions on topics to help students navigate College life. If you find your daughter is struggling with transitioning back into school or is unsure about what to expect, we suggest that they check out the newest episode of the OLMC podcast. Just direct your daughter to the Student Leadership Website and go to ‘Latest News’.
We also want to congratulate all students who applied for SRC or House Vice-Captain this year. This process is in full swing and we look forward to announcing the team on Monday 28 February.