Welcome to a brand new year at OLMC! We hope you all had a restful, refreshing holiday and are feeling energised for another year - one filled with new opportunities, growth, and fun.
To start off, in light of embracing our College theme for 2025, ‘Don’t be afraid, go and be…’ (Mark 5:36b), we encourage all students to get their House Spirit riled up and T-shirts ready for the first school event of the year……the Swimming Carnival! We are really looking forward to seeing everyone showing up and trying something new; whether it be volunteering on the day, entering a swimming race or novelty event in the pool, or playing a match of volleyball. We want you all to share the unique gifts we know you all have, engage your courage to give something a go, and have fun!
We also encourage you all to take on new challenges and step into leadership with courage. At our college, Student Representative Council (SRC) is one of the most powerful platforms for student voice. As representatives, SRC members do more than represent their year level - they advocate for their peers' ideas, opinions, and concerns, provide student perspectives, and actively contribute to shaping a positive learning experience for everyone. They ensure that all students have a voice at this college, no matter how loud or quiet they may be. We are looking forward to hearing from our applicants in their upcoming speeches and interviews - we can’t wait to learn more about you and your vision!
We hope you are all transitioning well into 2025, and we are so excited to see you all really put yourselves out there and be you boldly!