Judith Weir

Over the last two weeks we have held the Opening School Mass, which included the Investiture of the Year 12 Student Leaders, and the Welcome Mass for Year 7 students and families. Both eucharistic celebrations were wonderful opportunities to reaffirm the theme of the year, ‘Varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit’ (1 Corinthians 12:4). Last week, Fr Erick led the student Mass and shared with us powerful advice; ‘To fall is an accident, to get up is a choice’. He also challenged us to see that sometimes we need help to get up and that accepting help is so important.

On Tuesday evening Fr Kevin led the celebration of our Welcome Mass for Year 7s and their families. Fr Kevin reminded us of the gifts we all share and the possibilities that can come from joining in that sharing. Each Year 7 student was presented with a candle. The foundress of the Sisters of Mercy instructed the Sisters ‘to be shining lamps to all’, so the candle symbolises the light each student will shine as they journey through OLMC.

Today we hosted the Annual House Swimming Carnival, the last for the Year 12 Class of 2024. They led the parade with enthusiasm and modelled authentic participation and support for OLMC. It was wonderful to see all the students embracing the joy of the day whether that was participating in the novelty events or the competitive program. The cheering was outstanding as each House vied for the Cheering Cup. It will be with great delight that we acknowledge individual and team achievements during morning Pastoral on Monday.

The school year will now settle into the normal routines, with most of our major events for this term complete. Our students have been wonderful ambassadors as they shared in all of the celebrations of student success and the sharing of our gifts. The growing involvement of students in leading or preparing events has been outstanding and is enhancing the experience of all. The voice of young people and their leadership enables us to grow as a community responding to the ideas and hopes of our current students.

This year we are scheduled to participate in the School Review process. This involves a number of elements including compliance. The most significant outcome of the review is the establishment of the next Strategic Directions 2025-2029. Over the coming weeks invitations will be extended to families and students to participate in opportunities to provide feedback as part of this process. If you are able and could spare time to help support us in the School Review, please look out for the invitation which will be emailed in the coming weeks.

We have entered the time of Lent, a time of invitation and hope as we await the Resurrection of Jesus. It is also a time when we are called to go beyond ourselves and to think of others. This year we especially include all those who live with war or devastation from natural disasters and keep them in our prayers. We pray for peace, just outcomes and unending generosity and support for all who need it both near and far. As is the case every year, OLMC will focus on the work of Caritas and Project Compassion throughout this season of Lent.