Andrew Gibson
Director of Learning and Teaching

The Overview of the 2023 Year 7 - 10 Curriculum can be found in the Parent Handbook, under Year 7 - 10 Programs. It is also available on the College website, on the Learning & Teaching page.

The Overview of the 2023 Year 7 - 10 Curriculum provides a summary of the subjects, the number of lessons a cycle, as well as the strands taught in each subject. The strands are key ways that a subject curriculum is organised according to skill or content. For example, English has three strands: Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening.

In the Course Outline section, you will find more detail on the subjects being studied at each year level. In this area of the Curriculum Overview, each subject area lists the topics explored, as well as the associated assessment tasks with that subject. An indication of subject areas where the four capabilities are assessed is also provided in the course outline.

It is a handy resource to consult over the course of the year, and it may help with initiating conversations about learning at home.

Information regarding the curriculum for VCE, VCE Vocational Major, and Senior VCAL can be accessed through the publication Course Guide 2023 Senior Programs. It can be found via PAM in the Parent Handbook, in the Subject Selection folder. It is also on the College website.