As we move through Term 2 we know that many students are seeking to find ways to extend themselves and prepare well for their end of Semester exams. With exams just over a month away, students will be building revision time into their homework and study routines, as the evidence indicates that frequent spaced repetition leads to greater memory retention than cramming the night before.
In order to support students to feel confident in their own abilities, organise and manage their time effectively, as well as challenge themselves to achieve their best, we have set aside some time to continue the development of their revision techniques and exam skills.
Year 10 students
On Friday 12 May, Year 10 students will have three lessons designed to prepare them for their first set of exams. The sessions will include both OLMC teachers and external presenters Elevate. Students will not only have the opportunity to develop exam preparation skills, but also how to manage stress and how to move on from an exam, even if it did not go as well as planned.
Year 11 students
Year 11 students experienced the Year 10 program in 2022 so now is the time to refine their skills even further. Their focus will be on reviewing their revision strategies from previous years and managing their worries in their assessments, as well as in the lead up to exams. Year 11 students will have a session ‘Study Like a Sensei’ during Lesson 2 on Friday 12 May. This session will be run by external presenters Elevate.
We encourage parents to ask their young person what they are hoping to learn on this day that will support them, as well as checking in with them afterwards. Parents may also want to ask students to show them the OLMC Study Skills website on SIMON so they can help in the planning of revision.