Judith Weir

We are living in turbulent times and young people are faced with challenges that many parents did not face when they were the same age. They are faced with choices that challenge them to navigate their studies, the future, social media and opportunities to try new and exciting things. We work with students through the Pastoral Program and also in the formal curriculum about navigating hard decisions. We also strongly encourage students to speak up when they feel uncertain or concerned for themselves or their friends.

For parents, navigating this time can be particularly challenging because some things are new or unfamiliar to you. Megan Edwards, Head of Student Wellbeing, provides resources and opportunities for parents, including webinars and seminars addressing important topics. These are often found in the Daily Messages on PAM. Each year we partner with Marcellin College to co-host an evening for parents and guardians addressing emerging issues for young people. The eSafety Commission website is another very useful resource for advice and support when navigating concerns around social media. We strongly encourage parents to access the website and other resources for support in these areas. We also encourage you to contact your child’s Pastoral Leader or Year Level/House Coordinator should you have any concerns or questions. It is important that we partner in managing these difficult times.

Today we celebrated Dare2Donate. The Year 12 Student Leaders prepared and led a wonderful Dare2Donate Day, for which they must be commended. Teachers are dared in order to raise money and aside from lots of fun, some very authentic and amazing costumes, the day raised money for McAuley for Women and Children, who support women and families in crisis. Students engaged in the important work of reaching out to those in need whilst at the same time building community spirit. The success of the event comes from the way in which staff and students join together in raising money for something important to all. Teachers and students also model courage as they dress up in amazing costumes, dance, sing or perform. Congratulations must go to all students and staff for a very successful event.

Congratulations must go to the staff and students involved in the M2 Production of Chicago as they prepare for opening night this evening. A matinee performance was held during this week for students from some of our local primary schools and important friends of OLMC. It takes courage, determination, perseverance and good organisation for students to commit themselves to the many months of rehearsal whilst maintaining a strong commitment to their studies. Many of the students involved in the production are involved in many other activities within their schools. The students from OLMC and Marcellin College continue to inspire us with their talents, courage, passion and joy.

The Parents’ Association Mother’s Day event was a wonderful success again this year. They must be congratulated for their hard work and dedication, bringing together members of our community to celebrate. Over 200 people attended, with some families represented by three generations of women. Thanks must also go to the Parents’ Association who this year gave each mother a wonderful gift. The evening was filled with laughter and conversation and was a fitting celebration for mothers.

The Parents’ Association is an integral part of the OLMC Community, supporting family and school connections and creating opportunities for parents to gather and meet whilst enjoying a social event. In the last few years, the Association membership has increased and it has continued to flourish. In addition, the Association also raises funds to support the provision of amenities to students. Over recent years they have helped to provide many of the outdoor facilities our students enjoy every day. As a school we are blessed to have such a committed group of parents working with the Leadership of the College and I am grateful for their ongoing support.