It was Election time on Level 3 Centenary Building last week. The VCAL students put the preferential voting system into action, giving the Year 8s the opportunity to vote for an exclusive food event hosted by the VCAL students. The older students came to pitch their ideas to the year level, trying to win them over with catchy slogans and slick campaign posters. Students listened to the reasons why they should choose each of the delicious options promoted by the different parties. Each pastoral group was able to place their order of preferences via secret ballot. The winning party was “The Flurry Party” and the Year 8s are looking forward to their sweet treat over the next coming weeks.
The first games of the annual Year 8 Matball competition have been played with the winning classes moving through to the next round. The Year 11 VET Sport & Recreation students have overseen this lunchtime activity designed to maximise physical activity amongst the cohort. The students compete for the Year 8 Matball Trophy which is proudly displayed in the winning classroom until the end of the year. A big thank you to Mr Nathan Watson and the Year 11 VET Sport & Recreation class for giving up so many lunchtimes to run this program.
The focus of Year 8 Pastoral lessons now turns to camp preparation. We are mindful that the students may not have been on a camp for a few years, if at all. The program is full of many adventurous outdoor activities designed to promote team building and connections within the year level. Now is a good time to ensure that students have a zero-rated sleeping bag, some thermals and a showerproof jacket. Details of the venue, activities, a packing list, medical and dietary requests and permission forms will soon be emailed to parents.