Judith Weir

OLMC has continued to be a vibrant place over the last two weeks. The Senior Production of Chicago – Teen Edition played their final performances to packed houses. The students, while sad to see it come to an end, are embracing the evenings and weekends they now have back, whilst waiting in anticipation for the next opportunity.

Year 7 and Year 12 students headed off to camp and retreat last week. They were both wonderful experiences for students. One group getting to know each other and extending their connections in their first year at OLMC. The other group, renewing their connections and affirming each other, celebrating their journey over the last six years. Both groups had time to enjoy some challenges, reflect on their strengths and affirm new and established relationships.

Year 10 and 11 students have been completing mid-year exams. The exam supervisors have commended students on their approach to the exams and the way in which they have embraced it as an important opportunity to learn. Congratulations to all students for your dedication and commitment to your self-care, your goals and your ambitions. We hope that this has allowed you to develop some key skills and strategies that will stand you in good stead for your future exams.

On Tuesday 18 June all students undertaking a Units 3 and 4 study will undertake Section A and B of the GAT, while those undertaking the VCE Vocational Major will be completing Section A of the GAT. This is the first of the external assessments for many. In addition to the role the GAT plays for Year 12 students, it is also a chance to practise exam skills and time management. We wish all students the very best for this assessment.

Tuesday 18 June will be a student free day. This will provide some time for students to finalise any assessments and prepare for Semester 2.