Clinging onto rocks with rushing water beneath us, in mud stained clothing, caving. One of the many adrenaline and fun-filled experiences we had at Horizon Camp.
On Wednesday 31 May we embarked on our journey to the Clifford Park Camp, with one class bike riding and the other caving. Our class was lucky enough to go caving first and it was truly a great adventure for everyone. We braved through our fears and cheered each other on. Once we arrived at the campsite, we were introduced to all the locations around and set up our cabins for the stay.
During this camp, we were assigned with creating our own menus and cooking our own meals for ourselves and our peers. The kitchen was always a lively environment and we learnt many new skills.
On Thursday we participated in a variety of activities including abseiling, which helped us face our fears, orienteering, which took us all around the campsite, a MasterChef challenge that brought out our creative sides and a commando course that required good team work but was also a physical challenge. The commando course was our personal favourite, especially swinging into the mud pit at the end. After dinner we had a trivia night run by our amazing teachers.
On the way back to school, our class completed a 14km bike ride. Although this seemed like a difficult task at first, the weather was beautiful and it was quite a leisurely ride.
Our motto for this camp was ‘Challenge by Choice’ and it essentially meant that we were encouraged to push ourselves, but to a level we were comfortable with. Overall, everyone on the camp challenged themselves in each activity, which contributed to the fantastic experience we all had. Horizon Camp Term 2 2023 was a memorable experience that we can look back on throughout the years.
Aarchi K. and Esther H. (9LDA)