The results for the recent Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition that took place at the University of Melbourne are now in.

Congratulations to all those Italian students from Years 9 to 11 who challenged themselves by participating in this optional extension activity.

In particular, I wish our six finalists, all from Year 9, the very best for the finals of the competition which will be held in early Term 3:
Mia C. (9ACH), Aprila D. (9ACH), Alyssa G. (9TLA), Maiya M. (9NWA), Deanna N. (9BME) and Amelia K. (9ACH).

The following students also achieved very strong results:

Year 9

Certificate of Excellence

Grace C.
Mikayla F.
Chiara S.


High Distinction

Jana G.
Celeste L.
Giuliana P.

Tayah C.
Hanna W.



Year 10

Honourable Mention

Amelia D.

Hannah H.



Year 11

High Distinction

Ava A.


Honourable Mention

Melodi F.


Thanks go to the Italian teaching staff and our language assistant, Ludovica, for preparing the students for the competition.

Fleur Davison
Learning Languages Leader