Andrew Gibson
Director of Learning and Teaching

In Term 3 students will be making decisions regarding their subjects for 2023.

As part of this process, Parent Information Evenings will be held at the College at the following times

Year 11 2023 Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 21 June, 7:00pm

Year 10 2023 Parent Information Evening

Monday 18 July, 7:00pm

Year 9 2023 Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 26 July, 7:00pm

More details regarding subject selection will be emailed to parents and guardians closer to the respective dates of the presentations. Filming of the presentations will take place and be made available via PAM, for those not able to attend the evening presentation.

For parents of students currently in Year 10, information regarding the 21 June Parent Information evening was emailed on 10 June. Next week our Year 10 students will be involved in a Subject Selection and Pathways program from Wednesday 22 June - Friday 24 June.

End of Semester One Reports

It is anticipated that the Semester One Reports will be available from 3:30pm on Friday 15 July. An email will be sent when they are available to view on PAM and SIMON.

This term has provided a range of challenges, particularly with regard to health and wellbeing.

Due to this, and in an attempt to best manage the challenges of this term, the End of Semester Reports are being released later than in previous years. This is to provide an opportunity for students who have been absent to undertake assessment, and time for their teachers to assess tasks and provide feedback.

Assessment results can still be viewed via PAM and SIMON as they are completed.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews in Semester Two

We are aware that over the last two years with interviews being run remotely that this has been welcomed by some, while for others they would appreciate the interviews being held at the College. We have received feedback that interviews are better on site, allowing a chance to physically sit with a teacher. Other feedback has been that online interviews have allowed greater flexibility for parents to join from home/work and there has not been the hassle of finding a carpark.

As we move into a Semester Two with fewer restrictions, we are seeking your feedback regarding our Interview format. We have a short survey on PAM. If you have a minute to indicate your view on two statements, that would be appreciated and will assist us in our planning.