
Edition 12 | 19 August 2022
Judith Weir

On Monday we celebrated the Feast Day of the Assumption of Our Lady when according to the Catholic faith, the Holy Mother, "having completed her course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory". As a school that honours Mary, this is a special day; one where we can pause to reflect on the life of a woman who answered God’s call. Mary serves as a wonderful role model for all at OLMC. In answering the call of God, she committed herself not only to being the mother of Jesus but also to be so much more for all of us. She was a leader who helped her people in midst of her own grief. She was courageous and compassionate showing Mercy to others. There are many in our world today who seek her intercession when they are in need.

Once again, we congratulate students for their achievements over the last two weeks. House Arts took place last week and we saw students from all year levels share their talents with us. It was so exciting to have students perform and just as impressive was the applause and support that their peers offered for their performances. Congratulations to the Year 12 Student Leaders for their excellent organisation and commitment.

A number of students from Year 8 and 9 have participated in a variety of competitions and show cases over the last two weeks where they have not only shown their talents but also engaged with some challenging problem solving. Congratulations to all the students for their commitment and courage to participate in activities that challenge. The STEM MAD participants have been successful in making it into the national program that will take place in September.

Next week twenty-five students will travel to Warrnambool to compete in the Frayne Speech Festival. This is a competition for Mercy schools focused on public speaking, debating and voice choir. It has run for many years and is one of the highlights of the Mercy calendar. It will, I hope, be a wonderful opportunity for OLMC students to not only perform but to make connections with students from other Mercy schools from all over Victoria. We wish them all the very best.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

As we continue in the busyness of life and Term 3, we are reminded of God, who is with us at every step. This song written by Bernadette Farrell reminds us of this fact. May we celebrate our Everyday God, always, especially this day.


Everyday God Lyrics

Earth's creator, Everyday God,
Loving Maker, O Jesus,
You who shaped us, O Spirit,
Recreate us, Come, be with us.

In your presence, Everyday God,
We are gathered, O Jesus,
You have called us, O Spirit,
To restore us, Come, be with us.

Life of all lives, Everyday God,
Love of all loves, O Jesus,
Hope of all hopes, O Spirit,
Light of all lights, Come, be with us.

In our resting, Everyday God,
In our rising, O Jesus,
In our hoping, O Spirit,
In our waiting, Come, be with us.

In our dreaming, Everyday God,
In our daring, O Jesus,
In our searching, O Spirit,
In our sharing, Come, be with us.

God of laughter, Everyday God,
God of sorrow, O Jesus,
Home and shelter, O Spirit,
Strong and patient, Come, be with us.

Way of freedom, Everyday God,
Star of morning, O Jesus,
Timeless healer, O Spirit,
Flame eternal, Come, be with us.

Word of gladness, Everyday God,
Word of mercy, O Jesus,
Word of friendship, O Spirit,
Word of challenge, Come, be with us.

Gentle father, Everyday God,
Faithful brother, O Jesus,
Tender sister, O Spirit.
Loving mother, Come, be with us.

Our beginning, Everyday God,
Our unfolding, O Jesus,
Our enduring, O Spirit,
Journey's ending, Come, be with us.

Alleluia, Everyday God,
Now and always, O Jesus,
Alleluia, O Spirit

The process of learning can make us feel excited, tense, worried and joyous. In some cases, we can move back and forth in our emotional responses to learning and this is not unusual. At a recent staff meeting, we discussed the emotional aspects of learning. As Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Professor of Education, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Southern California, has commented, ‘We feel, we learn’. The way one person responds emotionally to a skill may well differ to the next person, but what is common is that learning involves a level of emotional engagement.

We can probably recall a time where we persevered, and worked hard and then achieved greater than we had anticipated. There was an emotional response throughout this process, as we invested ourselves in learning, perhaps one of relief and satisfaction, Likewise, there may be a time when we have been disappointed, where we did not demonstrate our knowledge or skill as well as we thought we could have.

These emotional responses are part of learning and it is worth talking about them, as by doing so we can put the response in the present in perspective of our learning on a longer time scale.

With assessments coming up, there may be the feeling of determination to demonstrate learning progress. There may also be the feeling of academic anxiety, where the feeling of being caught in emotions makes us feel trapped by our own expectations. There may also be the feeling of despondency, that the knowledge or skill is beyond reach and a sense of fatalism may creep in.

So how to manage the range of emotional responses to learning?

To be anxious or nervous prior to an assessment is not unusual, but it is not normally a permanent feeling, but one that is transient, at a point in time. Learning can be viewed as a roller coaster of emotions at times, going from the joy of achievement to the lows of despair that it is all too much. Sometimes articulating the frustration of a task, and all that is perceived wrong with it, can be a way to ‘let off emotional steam’ that may then allow a more composed rational approach to be possible.

When we find ourselves feeling down at the bottom of the Affective Domain, there are responses to this that may be of benefit. You have no doubt heard of the power of ‘yet’ a three letter word that can place the bottom of the roller coaster of emotions in perspective. ‘I can’t do this…yet’ or ‘I don’t understand this…yet’ is a way to communicate that certainly, at this moment the challenge is almost beyond reach. However, with some application and employing various strategies, such as breaking the task up into chunks, making a plan and seeking feedback, that moment will be a passing one, and that we can move from that state of despondency, to one where we climb back up to a place of accomplishment, to a sense of joy.

The power of the word ‘yet’ also ties into the work of Dr Carol Dweck on fixed and growth mindsets. Without the use of ‘yet’ we can remain stuck and fixed in our inability to learn, our inability to make progress. More information on growth mindsets and learning can be found via this link to the Mindset Works website.

Learning should provide a challenge, should challenge us to draw upon prior knowledge and learning strategies. It should also invoke in us a range of emotional responses. Our role is not to ignore this, but to acknowledge this is part of learning, and to provide perspective that learning will necessitate a range of feelings that we will move through as we make progress.

Andrew Gibson
Curriculum Coordinator

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

When it comes to using technology, and knowing how to navigate the online world, our Year 7 students are certainly digital natives. Over the last few weeks, Year 7 Pastoral Groups have explored what it means to be a ‘Digital Citizen’, and considered what their individual ‘Digital Footprints’ may look like. Students were asked to consider the way footprints are left behind when we walk both physically and digitally. In a practical sense, footprints in sand are washed away over time, the marks left behind in online posts or comments are quite different. Whilst there are time something may be removed, students were reminded of and also highlighted the idea of digital footprints always existing- even if deleted. They may have been shared, or captured in a screen shot. So conversations were had about ways to pause and consider the impact of anything that is then posted online. One such easy step is to pause and think…is this post positive and does it collaborate, is it creative or am I communicating?

The work done in class was then followed up by a performance by Class Act Theatre in Education entitled ‘Cyber Busters’. This performance tackled the key issues students face when interacting online, whilst also highlighting suitable strategies for students to use, should they ever experience something similar. Students have been reminded in class and through the show, that seeking support from a trusted adult when impacted by things online is a great first step. This adult, might be a parent or guardian, teacher, Counsellor or even a member of the police if necessary. But in addition to identifying ways to seek support for themselves, the performance also highlighted the need as individuals to recognise if any of our interactions online have impacted someone else, even if that was not intentional. The performance was finished off with a Q&A session, and a student trivia challenge when 8 students worked in teams (supported by their peers in the audience) to answer questions related to what they’d seen in the show and strategies to help keep themselves safe when engaging online.

Stephanie Boemo
Year 7 Level Coordinator

Discovery of Pi

Year 8 (MKY) were given the task of creating a perfect circle and then had to measure the diameter and the circumference of the circle as accurately as possible. The class was split into groups. Each group was given string and a trundle wheel to create and measure the circle. No other instructions for creating the circle were given.

Students struggled initially with the idea of how to create a perfect circle. One of the strategies was for the group to stand in a circle holding the string and then to try and pull the string outwards and create the circle in this way. The students soon realised this was not efficient as they were getting more of a hexagon or octagon.

With a bit more brainstorming, students realised they had to measure a fixed length of string and then have a student hold one piece of the string in a central fixed position. Another student would hold the other end of the string and walk around the student whose position was fixed, keeping the string taught. This path was mapped out and the students were able to create a more accurate circle.

Each group created their circle and the radius, diameter and circumference were recorded. The results were then taken back to the classroom for analysis. The class results were placed on the board. Students were then asked to use their results to create the ratio of circumference by diameter. Each groups result was noted. Students were then asked to evaluate the number Pi on their calculator and compare this answer to their ratio result. The group with the best result had a percentage error of approximately 1.9 % working on 3 decimal places.

The students came to the realisation through class discussion that a number of different circles with different dimensions for the diameter and circumference had been created and almost all of the ratios of circumference divided by diameter gave a very similar result of approximately 3.14.

Students were then able to use this knowledge in subsequent lessons in order to calculate the circumference and areas of circles using the irrational number. In doing this activity students were able to demystify the concept of Pi and realise the importance of this number.

Congratulations 8MKY on the completion of this activity.

Mark Vorster
Maths Learning Leader

Last week we were fortunate to have Robert Newton, author of the novel Runner, visiting OLMC. We are studying this novel in Year 8 English.

Student Reflections

The author shared many stories of his childhood and how he became a writer. Although, Robert Newton didn’t know what he wanted to do beyond high school, he showed us that it is never too late to pursue your interests. His love of stories came from his parents who were great storytellers and told him stories from a young age. Although he didn’t consider reading or writing stories as a child, he always liked listening to them.

Robert gave us the opportunity to learn about the creative ways that he immersed himself into his planning and writing process in his book Runner which is set in Richmond, 1919 when the infamous gangster Squizzy Taylor was at large. Robert took time to look at old letters, diaries and newspapers to find out how Australians talked in 1919. He also researched places that the runner, Charlie Feehan, would have grown up around. He ran through these places at three different times of the day and put himself into Charlie's shoes. He thought to himself, “What would Charlie be thinking?” He also formed his characters creatively by drawing portraits and asking them questions about themselves to form believable characters.

Robert also draws ideas from his life experiences as a firefighter to get inspiration for his writing and shared some anecdotes that made us all laugh. Our guest speaker’s talk was very informative and enjoyable. We all walked away with some useful advice for our writing, and also a deeper understanding of the novel Runner.
Alexis B. (8JSE) and Gracie R. (8JSE)

When Robert Newton visited the Year 8s last week I was surprised to learn he hadn’t aspired to be an author whilst growing up. However, after he completed his schooling, his brother made the decision to move to Switzerland. Unfortunately, Newton was hopeless at writing letters and often made things up to make them more interesting. Following this, the letters he wrote began to morph into stories. His brother called him one night and said; “You need to do this for real”. Newton quickly gained an audience for his writing in Switzerland, motivating him to pursue a career in writing.

During his presentation, Newton offered a powerful insight into his writing process and tips for upcoming authors. Newton described the idea for Runner as originating in his fascination with Squizzy Taylor. When he was young, his mother told him stories about the Melbourne gangster, which always interested him. He explained his writing process begins as a small seed that continues to grow into ideas. He considers the elements of a story such as a plot, but places more emphasis on the characters; aiming to trust his instinct and make the characters relatable and genuine. He begins asking questions about his characters and answering them. He also enjoys researching the era he is writing about. For instance, for Runner he went to Richmond and observed the main setting of the novel and also looked at past letters from the working class in England and Ireland to attain an understanding of the colloquial language that he could use when writing. In addition to this, he considers his own experiences in life such as his job at the fire station, and develops them into stories. Newton claims that when he begins writing he never knows how the story will end, but instead lets his imagination take over. Newton’s visit overall was very inspiring and real. It offered the Year 8 cohort a powerful insight into the life of an author and helped us receive an understanding of the background of the novel Runner that we are studying in English.
Tiffany M. (8MKY)

Last week, the Year 8 cohort had the extraordinary opportunity to attend a live presentation with Robert Newton, author of the study novel, Runner, designed to gain information and see the benefits of author visits at our school. One key asset was that students got a rare experience where they could explore the novel from an author’s perspective. Robert shared unique aspects from his life that influenced him into writing novels, and seeing this personal relation to the book gave the Year 8s advantageous insight of the story to add to their assessments.

In addition, Runner is set in Richmond, 1919, and talking to Robert Newton helped the Year 8s learn who these characters were and what those times were like by discovering how the author perceived them. He gave the example that he ran through current Richmond to summon his impression of the cold, darkened streets that the plot was set in. Therefore, students gained a better grasp of how the characters would have lived in a poor suburb in Australia 1919, unlocking a new viewpoint to Runner.

Robert Newton also shared some personal experiences from his journey to becoming a writer. Overall, it was an enjoyable session that was constructive and intriguing.
Lacey M. (8KWS)

Anne Morrison
English Learning Leader

Unit 3&4 Physical Education students have been busy using the knowledge from their theoretical units to complete their Unit 4 Reflective Folio SAC.

They participated in five different training sessions of Fartlek, HIIT, Resistance, Plyometric and Flexibility training. The SAC required students to complete the practical session and then answer questions focusing on the components of the session, the training method completed and the implementation of training principles to the fitness components being undertaken.

Here is what some of the students had to say about their experience:

In our flexibility (yoga) lesson we were taught balance, breathing and different types of stretching. It was great to have this practical experience to draw on before completing our SAC. The yoga instructor was very motivating and engaging and provided us with a fun but challenging workout.

In PE we’ve been learning about a variety of different training methods and putting them into practice. Completing the practical in the same lesson as our SAC has been really useful as it makes the class more engaging and allows us to have a better understanding of what we are being assessed on. It also makes the subject a lot more enjoyable as we get to workout with our friends and help relieve some of the Year 12 stress!

Teresa Cerra and Madeline Omizzolo
Acting Health and Physical Education Learning Leaders

There has been a great deal going on in Level One of the Centenary Building in Term 3.

This publication coincides with National Science week, and we encourage families to get involved with the many science activities happening at our museums, gardens, universities and online. At OLMC, we are running lunchtime activities fitting with the 2022 theme: Glass - more than meets the eye. Our Cabinet of Curiosities is full of glass from mosaic tiles to art glass and glass products. We are hosting a session of the Scinema International Film Festival with a viewing of the award-winning documentary “A Hundred Year Journey” about the repatriation of Indigenous artifacts from a museum in Finland.

Our week began with a team of Year 9s being part of the launch of both Science week and the 15th BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge in Queens Hall at the Victorian Parliament. The students had morning tea, a tour of parliament and met with the scientist mentor who will guide them through their innovation project over the next twelve weeks.

Our Term 3 Year 8 STEAM program is running again with students taking time to finish their Term 2 wearable electronics wristbands or decorative item. Students found some challenge in sewing the conductive thread to make the LED sequins light and to manage the logistics of a battery case, on/off switch and planning out a parallel circuit in felt, but this is a great lesson in the resilience, problem solving and persistence that are needed to work in digital technology and engineering. They are ready to start their next investigation – the British RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) global battery experiment called Take Charge.

Finally, another Year 9 team has been working furiously on a project to show at the Victorian STEM MAD (Making a Difference) Show Case at the Catholic Leadership Centre on August 4. Their project, called Smell the Future, was a multifaceted investigation into why Astronauts on the International Space Station experience puffy head syndrome, due to microgravity. Getting their inspiration from Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield, who famously played guitar and sang David Bowie’s A Space Oddity from the International Space Station, they broke apart a C-PAP machine sourced from a Good Karma network and designed a functioning prototype which would allow the astronauts to get relief from puffy heads and nasal congestion while smelling scents from home to help with their wellbeing. The team tried distilling plant matter to produce an aromatic hydrosol and using commercial plant oils to mix up smells, like flower garden, forest walk and petrichor – the smell of rain. They were runners up for the MACs most MAD award and won the Immersive Education – STEM in Space award. They are working on their submission for the National judging and will present at a show case day at the National Catholic Education Conference at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre in September.

Susan Long
Science Learning Leader

Over the past three weeks, students, staff and families have brought food items to support the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project, in their work with Refugees here in Melbourne.

As Mercy people, we see the gift of walking with others as critical to our being, and we thank our families, students and staff for their generous support.

If you would like to support this ministry, you can make a donation via this link. https://www.givenow.com.au/basp

Bernadette Hogan and Grace Austin
Religious Learning Learning Leaders

The past few weeks have been a busy time in Religious Education at OLMC. While Year 7s undertake a unit of work on prayer, Year 8s are learning about the journeys of St Paul and the Year 9s explore Mary as the first disciple. Our senior students continue their work in Units 1 and 2 of Religion and Society, and for those studying Texts and Traditions, their in-depth study of the Gospel of Luke with Mr. Taylor.

Last week, half of our Year 10 students headed to the Holy Cross Centre in Templestowe for their Reflection Day, exploring the idea that each of us is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Together, we explored the qualities of healthy relationships, the way digital media can influence us and our relationships, and how we are a mirror of God’s love in the world.

Some students said:

  • I appreciated the open conversations about relationships
  • I appreciated spending time with friends where we got to discuss what we value in a relationship. And also just having fun and winding down with them while we made bracelets.
  • I appreciated the information that was provided as it was helpful towards the assessment task and writing my responses to the prompts. I also appreciated the making of friendship bracelets and being able to do something that was relaxful and fun.
  • Something that I appreciated about the Reflection Day was that the topics.

Our Year 11s also enjoyed a day away from the classroom to reflect at the Catholic Leadership Centre. They were invited to explore models of leadership, and in particular Christian Leadership.

Below are some comments from the students:

  • Year 11 Reflection Day was a fun and engaging way to connect with others and reflect on who we are as individuals as well as leaders.
  • Great opportunity to connect with peers I have barely spoken to at school and an amazing way to share how much we admire each other.
  • It was a very fun and engaging day. It allowed our Year level to connect on a deeper level and brought us all closer together. It also allowed us to reflect and listen to each other's opinions in a respectful way without feeling judged.
  • The day was a really enjoyable and immersive experience in how we can be grateful for the loved ones in our life and how we can continue to give back to those around us!
  • Reflection day was an amazing day to spend reconnecting with individuals across the Year level through fun, engaging and relevant activities. It gave us an opportunity to reflect on various aspects of our lives, including our leadership qualities.

Bernadette Hogan and Grace Austin
Religious Education Learning Leaders

KWONG LEE DOW SCHOLARS PROGRAM – Applications Open for Year 10 Students
Each year, the University of Melbourne offer at least one student from each school in Victoria the chance to be selected for the Kwong Lee Dow academic enrichment program. This involves students participating in events as well as accessing resources, UoM facilities and opportunities to support their academic development and develop their leadership potential and networks. More information about this program can be found here

Eligible students will:

  • Have a B+ Average across their school studies to date in Years 9 and 10
  • Have a clear sense of the study area/s they are interested in pursuing at the University of Melbourne once they finish secondary school
  • Be engaged in extracurricular activities either within the OLMC community or their own local community

Expressions of Interest are due by 9.00am on Thursday 1 September via details listed on SIMON.

A virtual Parent Information session covering the VTAC Application process was held during the Parent Student Teacher Interview Evening on Thursday 4 August. A recording and slides are available for parents to access via PAM along with key dates for Open Days and Tertiary applications.

An Information session for students was held during Lesson 3 Pastoral on Tuesday 16 August. Slides and details have been emailed to all Year 12 students and also are available on SIMON. Any student intending to apply for Semester One, 2023 courses at either TAFE or University will need to create an account and should be in the process of considering their course options and the order of these for their VTAC preference list.

SEAS and Scholarship applications can also be submitted through the VTAC application with key dates for these listed below.

The details of course applications submitted by each student is confidential and no information can be provided by VTAC or OLMC to anyone except the student themselves.

Please diarise the dates listed below:

Key Dates for 2022 - 2023 Applications

Applications open
$44 for current Year 12 students

9:00am - Monday 1 August 2022

Latrobe ASPIRE Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 16 September 2022

RMIT Early Offer Program applications close

Sunday 18 September 2022

ACU Guarantee Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 23 September 2022

Timely applications deadline

5:00pm - Thursday 29 September 2022

Swinburne Early Entry Program applications close

Thursday 6 October 2022

SEAS applications close

5:00pm - Friday 7 October 2022

Scholarship applications close

5:00pm - Friday 7 October 2022

VU Guaranteed Early Entry Program applications close

Friday 7 October 2022

CASPer Test Deadline for December Round Offers to all Teaching Courses & VU Nursing degree

Sunday 13 November 2022

ATAR released

From 7:00am - Monday 12 December 2022

Change of Preferences close

4:00pm - Wednesday 14 December 2022

December Round offers released

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Full list of dates: https://www.vtac.edu.au/dates.html

I will be available to support students throughout the Change of Preference period after their results are released on Monday 12 December. Details will be made available closer to this date on how to access this one-on-one support.

SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme)
Students who have had their academic results affected due to personal circumstances are encouraged to submit a SEAS application through their VTAC account. Based on the assessment, aggregate point adjustments may be applied, improving the Selection Rank calculated for courses at participating institutions. The 4 categories for SEAS are:

Category 1: Personal Information and Location

Category 2: Disadvantaged Financial Background

Category 3: Disability or Medical Condition

Category 4: Difficult Circumstances (including consideration of COVID remote learning impacts)

Many parents and students have asked about considerations for students based on COVID and the significant impact this has had on student learning over the last few years. It is important to understand firstly that all ATAR calculations will be based solely on the results achieved by this cohort, all of whom have been affected by lockdowns and remote learning at the same time in Victoria. The ATAR is not a score achieved, but rather a rank in direct comparison to the performance of all other students in this year level and as a result, there is a natural consideration of the impacts of COVID through this system.

However, students who feel their educational results have been negatively impacted due to financial disadvantage, a disability or medical condition or difficult personal circumstances they have had to cope with either short term or long term are encouraged to carefully consider applying for adjustments. For SEAS applications related to Category 3 or 4, students will most likely need to write their own Impact Statement and ask an appropriate person to provide a Statement of Support. For Category 3, it is recommended that a medical or allied health professional provide this Statement of Support and students are encouraged to book appointments well in advance of the 7th of October deadline to ensure these requirements can be met.

To enrol in their tertiary courses early in 2022, all students will need a TFN so now is a good time to apply if your daughter does not have one. Tax File Numbers can only be obtained through the Australian Tax Office. For more information, visit https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/tax-file-number/apply-for-a-tfn/australian-residents---tfn-application/

Melinda Williams
Careers Coordinator

This year’s Celebration Concert is a culmination of the work accomplished by students throughout the year and on music camp.

All OLMC ensembles will share their talents with you.

The evening will also include performances from our VCE and Senior Classroom Music Students as well as Elite Dance.

The concert will be held in the Nalleijerring Centre and tickets are $10 adults, $5 children.

To purchase concert tickets please use the "BOOK TICKETS HERE" box below.

Congratulations to Ms Anna De Rosa and the Student Leadership Team for running our House Arts Day on Wednesday 10 August.

Special congratulations to our Arts Captains Emma G. (LADR) and Nikita M. (CPSE) for the time they put into auditioning the acts and hosting each of the shows. Thank you also to Mr Gavin Hocking for ensuring the sound production was spot on for these performances. It was wonderful to see live performances again after the last two years of House Arts being conducted online.

Our Year 7 Pastorals performed a “Just Dance” number in their House Groups. We also had a number of solo and small group entries across all year groups contributing valuable house points in the quest for winning the coveted House Cup trophy at the end of the year. As well as a number of dance items being featured, students also sang and played various musical instruments including piano and flute. The talent of our students never ceases to amaze. It was also fantastic to witness both the courage of the students performing to step out of their “comfort zone” and the support they received from their peers.

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

Communication Captains Reflection
In honour of Arts Week, last Wednesday, students from Year Levels 7 - 12 watched, cheered and supported their peers at House Arts, our annual showcase of the performing arts, music, dance, acting and more.

We would like to congratulate everyone who performed. Thank you for sharing your talent and love for the arts with us, and a big thank you to Ms De Rosa, Arts Captains Emma G. (LADR) and Nikita M. (CPSE) and the Student Leadership Team, for putting in tireless hours to make this the best House Arts yet!

In addition to House Arts, Friday lunchtime was spent Badge making, Jelly making, Performances and showcases of the visual arts at White Night! White Night is something the Arts Captains have brought back after a difficult few Years of COVID. The DAT space was filled with neon lights and happy faces of students immersing themselves in the activities.

We would again like to thank our Arts Captains Emma and Nikita, for bringing this incredible vision to life for us all to enjoy!

Carla D. (CBRY) and Jasmin B. (LMGL)
2022 Communications Captains

St Pius Reading Club

Every Tuesday afternoon, the bus is filled with a new group of Year 10s who are travelling to St Pius X Primary to volunteer their time to read with children in the Saint Vincent de Paul Reading Program.

This week for National Science Week, the girls helped students from Prep to Grade 5 make volcanos and milk art.

Thanks to all the girls and staff for their ongoing enthusiasm!

Period Poverty Day

This annual event run by the Feminist Collective will be held on Tuesday 30 August.

Period Poverty refers to the both cultural shame attached to menstruation and a lack of access to menstrual products, sanitation facilities, and adequate education.

We are asking all staff and students, to donate sanitary items to McAuley Services for Women who will provide these products to women escaping homelessness or domestic violence.

This event also aims to help normalise this most natural part of adolescence and life, and create further awareness about period poverty around the world.

The Feminist Collective students have been busy making bracelets to hand out on the day, and students will be able to paint their nails red during pastoral in solidarity!

Lauren Marquet and Elise Cooper
Social Justice Coordinators

OLMC Heidelberg is excited to be once again hosting a High Tea in Heidelberg in 2022 on Sunday 11 September to support McAuley, a Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy. McAuley is committed to advocate for a better, safer and just society through working with women and children affected by family violence, mental illness or homelessness. Each year they help many women and children to rebuild their lives, supporting them on their journey towards independence and a safer future. To learn more about the work of McAuley go to https://www.mcauley.org.au/

High Tea Tickets are selling fast and it is nearly a sellout event.

To purchase High Tea tickets please use the "BOOK HIGH TEA TICKETS HERE" below OR by entering the link https://www.trybooking.com/CAICS

Ticket Prices
Tickets are priced at $45 for Adults and $25 for Students.

Date:Sunday 11 September
Time:2:00 pm


OLMC McAuley Hall

Cape Street

We will also run a Raffle to help support McAuley.

So if you are unable to attend but still wish to offer your support, you can purchase tickets online prior to the event.

Tickets Price: $10.00

1st PrizeTwo nights accommodation in the Penthouse Suite

Wytonia Beachfront Accommodation Port Fairy Donated by The Wilson Family

2nd PrizeSamsung Galaxy TabA 32gb 4g WiFi Tablet
3rd PrizeGourmet Basket - a Hamper of Delicious Gourmet Treats
4th PrizeKitchenPro 3.5L Stainless Steel Deep Fryer MDF35S

To purchase raffle tickets please use the "BOOK RAFFLE TICKETS HERE" below OR enter the link https://www.trybooking.com/CBDKL

Raffle will be drawn on Sunday 11 September 2022 at the High Tea in Heidelberg.

Winners will be notified by phone and/or email and results will be in the College newsletter.

All support is very much appreciated and will help McAuley continue to support women and children on their journey to safety and independence.

Marie Jenkins
Community Development Coordinator

The Parents Association invite you to a breakfast for families to celebrate Fathers’ Day

This is a chance for all students to do something special for Dad, Grandad or a special man in their life by bringing him along to a delicious breakfast and sharing a special time with him.

All are welcome.

The morning will commence with a reflection service at 7.30am followed by a delicious breakfast at 7.45am.

Date:Friday 2 September



Mercedes Hogan Theatre

Tickets $30 per family

Tickets can be purchased by the below "BOOK HERE".


enter the link https://www.trybooking.com/CBUEN

OLMC Parents Association

Follow the official Our Lady of Mercy College accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We’ll be sharing regular news, student achievements and stories from around the College.

Apply Online

We invite our current families with girls in Grade 5 to apply online for a place at OLMC Heidelberg in Year 7 2024.

Applications for enrolment in Year 7 2024 close Friday 19 August 2022. We must receive an application by this date to ensure a place for your daughter.

Apply Online

Try out our sports facilities and find out what it’s like to study Physical Education at OLMC Heidelberg.

Date and TimeThursday 6 October
Time4:00pm - 5:00pm
LocationNalleijerring Centre, OLMC Heidelberg (enter via Yarra Street)
Who is it ForGirls in Grade 4 interested in studying Physical Education in Secondary School
RSVPBook online by Tuesday 4 October

Try out our sports facilities and find out what it’s like to study Physical Education at OLMC Heidelberg.

At this free after-school workshop, our Sport and Recreation students will run a series of fun skills sessions and games for girls in Grade 4.

Our students have access to extensive, modern sporting facilities including indoor multi-purpose courts, outdoor sports fields and a fitness centre. There are many opportunities for students to try a new sport or represent the College in interschool competitions.

Experience OLMC Heidelberg offers girls in primary school a chance to try subjects they can study at the College. Together we can learn, lead and be the best we can be. We are empowered together.

Elizabeth Baxter
Leader of Marketing and Development

OLMC College Tours

Prospective families are invited on a tour of the OLMC facilities followed by an information session with Principal Judith Weir, Transition Coordinator Rowena Thomson and two students.