
Edition 16 | 18 October 2024
Judith Weir

This week the Year 12 students spent the week celebrating the end of their journey at OLMC by dressing up with a different theme each day. On Monday next week, we will hold our final Year 12 Assembly where we will recognise a number of students for their outstanding formal and informal leadership in a range of different aspects of life at OLMC.

Mass will be celebrated on the evening of Tuesday 22 October and will be a wonderful opportunity to recognise our Year 12s with the blessings of God and our community. This will be followed by dinner at the Melbourne Convention Centre where we will joyfully share wonderful stories of their six years and a moment of thanks with parents and students.

The celebrations signify the end of formal classes here at OLMC and marks a new journey for our students. It does not, however, mark an end to our relationship. All of our students will remain ever linked to OLMC and we will always hold them in our prayers.

We wish all our Year 12 students the very best for their coming exams and share this prayer for them:

Let us especially pray for our Year 12 students as they enter into exams.
God, we ask that they especially feel your closeness during this time.
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand.
Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory.
Give them the ability to grasp things correctly.
Point out the beginning, direct their progress and help them in the completion of each of their responses.
Holy Spirit, send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Author: Mr John O'Sullivan

This week we held the annual Art Show, where we were able to showcase student art work and provide the chance to view the work for parents and students. I continue to be awed and inspired by the depth and breadth of talent amongst our students.

Each year it is our great privilege to display a number of student artworks which hang in our Administration Building as part of the Caldow Collection. They are framed and remain there for the year to be admired by all who pass through the halls of OLMC. Students are also honoured with the presentation of a certificate at the Art Show. Congratulations to all whose pieces were exhibited both at the Art Show and in the Caldow Collection, we look forward to sharing in the joy of your art works.

Congratulations to Isabella R (10AJIN) for her selection into the Australian Women's Deaf Basketball team, the Geckos, at the recent Asia Pacific Deaf Basketball Championships. They came away with a silver medal and have qualified to represent Australia at the 2025 Tokyo Deaflympics.

Congratulations also to Lavinia W (9NWA) who has competed recently at the highest level in cycling.

We congratulate both of these students and look forward to continuing to support them as they compete on the world stage for their respective sports.

Mercy Ministry Companions Conference

Each year since 2022 Mercy Ministry Companions holds a conference to develop community and offer formation experiences to the leaders of Education, Health, Community and Aged Care Services who are all part of the broader Mercy Community.

Angela Scaffidi, who is also our College Advisory Council Co-Chair, very generously acted as Master of Ceremonies and facilitator for the conference and this year OLMC students had the opportunity to lead prayer and participate in a Vignette led by Angela. The Choir also sang the Suspice as part of the prayer. The response to the students, both the Choir and speakers was overwhelmingly positive. The students were such a credit to themselves, their families and their school. Participants in the conference were left in no doubt that the future of our world will be in very capable, caring and astute hands.

World Teachers’ Day – Friday 25 October

Australia is celebrating World Teachers’ Day on Friday 25 October. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) are calling us to celebrate with a theme of ‘Hats off to teachers’.

So much has been written in the media in recent years, about the challenges of teaching and the attrition within the profession. World Teachers’ Day is a chance for us to celebrate, as a community, the enormous amount of work our teachers do to support not only the academic wellbeing of our students but all aspects of their growth.

We are encouraging students, their families and the community to celebrate not only our teachers but teachers around Australia.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Today, we celebrate the feast of St Luke.

Loving and Just God,

We give thanks for the life and witness of St Luke, physician, evangelist, and friend to the marginalised.

Through his Gospel, you show us that your love knows no boundaries and extends to all—especially those who are forgotten, overlooked, or cast aside.

On this day, we seek the courage of St Luke to embrace all in your name, opening our hearts to everyone in our community, regardless of race, gender, or circumstance.

We pray for the dignity and respect of all women who bear your image and bring forth the gifts of compassion, wisdom, and strength to our world.

May we, like St Luke, be voices for justice. Help us to stand in solidarity with those who suffer, especially in places where war and injustice are happening today.

Through St Luke's intercession, grant us the wisdom to recognise your presence in every person and the courage to work tirelessly for the inclusion and justice that reflect your Kingdom.

May our actions echo the Gospel and transform our communities with your mercy, justice, compassion, courage and joy.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Image: "The Holy Women at the Sepulchre" by Peter Paul Rubens


Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

On Tuesday, 20 of our students led the opening prayer for the various Mercy Ministries leaders around Australia at the Mercy Ministry Companions Annual Conference. Despite the very early start of the day, their energy and joy blessed these Health, Welfare and Education leaders.

It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge the efforts of so many students and staff who gave up three days of the September school holidays to provide an unforgettable Holiday Program for 20 children in the Exodus Community of West Heidelberg. These families may not have otherwise been able to enjoy holiday activities.

This year, we were spoiled to have students from Years 9, 10 and even 12 helping out.

The children and students enjoyed a range of activities including never-ending games of footy on the oval, incursions from Ruccis Circus Skills and Reptile Encounters, student-led games of Hide and Seek, Camouflage and Simon Says, plus so many more!

The students took on the role of Buddy for each small child and helped guide them in their participation, helping them feel comfortable and settle in, and finding ways to thrive amidst the new challenges.

Mr Taylor led the charge in the kitchen and ensured that everyone had delicious and nutritious meals and even packed up some leftover meals that could be sent home with every family.

The camp was supported by Year 9 Horizon in Term 3 through their creation of welcome bags and banners, preparation of home-made slices and for the five Year 9s who volunteered their time to be leaders and helpers on the camp.

Further thanks go to the team of 10 teachers who also gave up precious holiday time, plus a large number of administration and maintenance staff.

Liz Wake and Brother Harry Prout extend their thanks to our whole school community for our ongoing support of this important program.

Lauren Marquet
Social Justice Coordinator

Our recent visit to Werribee Zoo gave students the chance to explore wildlife conservation, species interactions, and Indigenous cultural practices. Here are some key reflections:

Olivia noted, ‘One thing that stood out to me was how some of the animals are free to roam in certain areas.’ This deepened her understanding of how animals interact with their environments.

The impact of kangaroos on other species was a focus. Lara said, ‘When kangaroos are in a confined space it's evident that they take up a lot of space which impacts the other animals.’ Maya added, ‘Overgrazing can lead to areas of grasslands being damaged with the ability for re-growth impacting other animals’ ability to graze.’

Indigenous cultural practices were also explored. Olivia shared, ‘These cultural practices allow particular species to become protected and looked after.’ Ava reflected, ‘Considering the elders of the Indigenous people are wise and their techniques have been used for many generations, modern approaches can be influenced from the successful use of their techniques.’

Students gained a better understanding of species interdependence. Callista noted, ‘Different species rely and depend on each other and the environment for their survival.’ Ariella was struck by the Eastern Barred Bandicoot’s story, saying, ‘They highlighted its journey from near extinction to a more stable population due to dedicated breeding and release programmes.’

Animal adaptations fascinated many. Sara said, ‘The kangaroo’s adaptations story really helped me to understand how the adaptations help the animals survive.’ Ava observed, ‘The Eastern Grey Kangaroo uses its tail (which has a very strong muscle) to hop around almost acting as a third leg.’

The gorilla enclosure left an impression. Sara remarked, ‘Something that stood out was the way the gorilla acted and how similar its behaviours were to humans.’ Jamieson added, ‘I was surprised by the gorilla’s behaviours. He was very active with the people watching and used his physical [intimidation] as a warning.’

In summary, Olivia said, ‘The zoo experience allowed me to see the physical impact of interdependencies and understand how different species live simultaneously.’ These reflections highlight how the visit enhanced students' understanding of conservation and the balance of ecosystems.

Jonathon Broughton
Science Teacher

On Wednesday 16 October, a group of eager students across Years 9, 10 and 11 attended the Endeavour Engineering and IT Exhibition at the University of Melbourne. This event showcased the final year projects of students in the Masters in Engineering and IT and students were witness to incredible research processes and proposed solutions related to a variety of engineering and IT specialisations. Faced with the prospect of large crowds and sprawling stands, our students’ curiosity and confidence shone as they approached countless groups to hear about their innovations. They gained an insight into not only the study and professional expectations of engineering and IT, but also the potential impact and opportunities these fields can have on people and the world. Congratulations to this group of students who accepted this invitation. Some of their reflections are below.

Melinda Williams
Careers Coordinator

The Endeavour Exhibition was an eye-opening experience, particularly in understanding the breadth of skills required for engineering, such as coding, problem-solving, and communication. What stood out to me the most was how the rising importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is shaping the future of engineering. Many of the students’ projects highlighted the significance of knowing how to utilise AI effectively, which underscores the value of engineering as a major. The ability to leverage AI tools to solve problems, optimize processes, and create innovative solutions is becoming increasingly critical in our rapidly developing society. This exhibition has reinforced my understanding that engineering is not only about building and design but also about shaping the future of society.

Amy C (11LJVA)

I really enjoyed learning about ideas that current students had thought of and their whole process of completing their end of year assignment. It really surprised me that there were so many different ideas that were all unique and creative. I found that the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering majors were the most interesting and attending the event has inspired me to potentially pursue an engineering degree and major in one of the two.

Allegra M (10AASE)

I felt inspired by the large variety of creations and ideas, and it made me more excited to go to university. I wish we could've stayed longer.

Ava L (10MMZI)

I really enjoyed getting an insight into what university life is like whilst receiving helpful responses that have inspired my future with engineering. In particular, I learnt about how medicine is integrated with engineering to create amazing biomedical engineering products.

Isabella L (9LDA)

I was surprised at the complexity of projects that the students were working on. A lot of the projects seemed futuristic in a way and it was cool to learn that things like that were happening presently.

Rianna J (10CCTR)

The Learning Commons has developed a range of resources and activities in consultation with other Learning Areas to support students. A summary of some of these initiatives are included below.

Study Habits

Knowing where to begin with time management and goal setting can be challenging, so OLMC has created a website with videos, templates and additional resources to assist students to further develop these skills and habits.

With exams fast approaching, now would be a great time to review some of the support materials available on the Study Habits site. Students are encouraged to ask the library staff for help with any of these resources too.


Struggling to find something good to read? Why not try one of the books in our general recommended reading lists. ebooks and audiobooks are also available for students to borrow via the Wheelers app or website. A list of our most popular titles is available on the front page of the Learning Commons catalogue.

Anna Apfelstedt
Learning Commons Coordinator

On Tuesday 8 October, our Year 12 students gathered for their final House Assembly, marking a significant moment in their journey as members of McAuley, Mercy, Loreto, and Carmel. This assembly was a heartfelt occasion, as the students reflected on their time within their House communities and prepared to step into their final week at the school. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements, friendships and memories that have shaped their years here.

The celebrations continued into this week, which marked the beginning of the week of final classes. Each day brought excitement and creativity, as the students embraced themed dress-up scenarios, including ‘Through the Decades’ and the nostalgic ‘What Did You Wear When You Were Little?’ These fun-filled themes allowed students to express themselves and create lasting memories with their peers.

Throughout the week, Year 12 students enjoyed a variety of activities designed to celebrate their time together. They shared a special lunch and breakfast, danced at discos, and captured moments in photobooths, surrounded by laughter and joy. It was a fitting celebration of their hard work and dedication.

The week concluded with the Senior Assembly today, where students said their final goodbyes to their pastoral teachers. This assembly was a touching farewell, providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their journey and express gratitude to the teachers who have supported and guided them throughout their years at the school.

As we bid farewell to our Year 12 students, we celebrate their resilience, achievements, and contributions to our school community.

We wish them all the best as they embark on the next exciting chapter of their lives.

Cyvonne Scarica
Mercy House Coordinator

Jemma Banfield
Carmel House Coordinator

Hayley Gamble Curran
Loreto House Coordinator

Kathryn Williams
McAuley House Coordinator

Hello everyone! We hope you had a restful break and are ready for the exciting term ahead. While our Year 12 students are completing their final week of high school, let’s take a moment to look back at the amazing highlights from Term 3.

Last term’s House Arts was an incredible success, with fantastic performances from both our Junior and Senior students. The talent on display was truly inspiring, showcasing the vibrant creativity within our school community. A huge thank you to everyone who participated and helped make House Arts such a memorable experience.

In true OLMC tradition, we also celebrated our annual school feast day—Mercy Day! The day was filled with lively stalls, delicious food, and outstanding performances. A special shout-out goes to our Student Leadership Team for their historic victory in the Staff vs. Student Volleyball Match—they took home the win for the first time ever! Together, we raised an impressive $8,600 for Mercy Works. Thank you to everyone who contributed and brought joy to the day.

We’d also like to congratulate the newly appointed 2025 Student Leadership Team! We’re confident you’ll achieve great things and continue to inspire our school community.

As our journey at OLMC draws to a close, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and kindness throughout the year. Your contributions have made this year truly special.

Thank you, and goodbye!

Jessica B (12MAMN) & Nathasha J (12CRIV)
College Captains

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to our amazing Student Leadership Team for their outstanding efforts this year. Your dedication to amplifying student voice and fostering a strong sense of community has made a significant impact across the school. Your leadership, hard work, and commitment have been truly inspiring, and you should all be proud of your achievements this year.

Well done, and thank you for making this year a great one!

Fiona Koenig-Doig
Student Leadership Coordinator

It is hard to believe that we are now in Term 4, with lovely warm weather and longer days to enjoy.

The Year 8 students, after having had a restful break, have embraced the start of Term 4 with energy and enthusiasm. It has been pleasing to hear the overall positive feedback from teachers about the students' motivation for learning and their hard-working attitude.

With seven weeks still to go until the end of the school year, I encourage all Year 8 students to continue striving to reach goals, improve their individual grades and to abide by the OLMC expectations and values.

I would like to congratulate the many students who have achieved success at the National Aerobics competition, DAV and Maths competitions, have had work selected for the Design, Art and Technology Show and have been selected for the Junior GSV Basketball teams for Term 4. Students should be proud of these achievements.

With the beautiful warm weather students need to be wearing the correct summer uniform by Monday 21 October. Many students have grown since Term 1, therefore their summer dress may need to be lengthened, so it is at an appropriate length. Also, a reminder that the burgundy jumper can not be worn as the outer garment when arriving or departing school.

The Year 8 Pastoral team would like to thank all parents and guardians for their ongoing support with the Year 8 students' education at OLMC.

Deb Butterworth
Year 8 Level Coordinator

Term 4 has started with a ‘bang’ in the Instrumental Music Department with lessons, rehearsals and performances in full swing.

As we celebrate the end of a journey for our Year 12 students, many of our graduating students have celebrated a week of final rehearsals as they prepare to leave us for future adventures after exams. We were very lucky to celebrate some of these dedicated students and thank them for their support of all things music in our ‘Year 10 to 12 Cabaret’ on Monday night.

The Cabaret was an evening for Senior students currently undertaking lessons to share their successes in a relaxed setting with family and friends. The night included a variety of instruments and musical styles and we are very excited for our future Senior students as they displayed courage and determination in their preparation of performances. The audience was entertained and are looking forward to future performances by these talented students.

This week, Students from Year 8 and 11 OLMC Choir were invited to perform as part of the opening prayer for the MMC Conference at the Catholic Leadership Centre, East Melbourne. After a lovely early morning train ride, we were able to share our vocal talents with members of the Mercy community from all walks of life. It was an extremely special event for our students as they performed the ‘Suscipe of Catherine McAuley’ to a grateful audience and were able to experience the effect and joy that their talents could bring to others.

Finally, Advanced Choir students and members of the OLMC String Quartet were recently special guests at Marcellin College’s Art Show. The girls performed for 45 minutes as parents and friends of our communities wandered through the art work presented by students. It was again another event in which students could not only show their exceptional talents, but also bring joy and peacefulness to others.

Over the coming weeks music students will continue to perform at a range of events, so, keep an eye on SIMON/PAM for future sightings!

Jo-Anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator

Each year the Parents’ Association run a Lucky Fees Raffle to raise funds that support and enhance educational opportunities and community life at OLMC. First prize is $4000 off your school fees for 2025 – wouldn’t that be amazing!

Tickets are $10 each, 10 for $70 or 15 for $100

To purchase the tickets please click here - https://www.trybooking.com/CVZPG

or go to Trybooking.com and search OLMC

1st prize $4000 Voucher for 2025 School Fees

Or Shopping Vouchers to the value of $4000

2nd Prize Noone Uniform Voucher valued at $400

3rd Prize Adriatic Furniture Voucher valued at $350

4th Prize Ted Baker Clutch valued at $219

5th Prize Ted Baker Hand Bag Set valued at $199

6th Prize Chemist Warehouse Hamper

7th Prize Excel Body & Health Assessment Voucher valued at $115

8th Prize Excel Body & Health Assessment Voucher valued at $115

9th Prize Hugo Boss Voucher valued at $100

10th Prize Hugo Boss Voucher valued at $50

The raffle will be drawn on Friday 22 November at the College. Winners will be notified by phone or email and results published in the Newsletter.

Your support in the sale of the raffle tickets is gratefully appreciated.

OLMC Parents’ Association

Want to kick like a girl in 2025?

If you’re thinking about playing footy in 2025 but not sure if you’re ready, come along to our FREE October training session and get started, no experience required.

AUSKICK, U8 – U17 are welcome! Bring a friend.

Personal Training Session

Wednesday 23 October, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Binnak Oval, Sharpes Road, Watsonia North

Wear comfortable clothing and runners and bring a water bottle.

Enquire or register your interest: girlsfooty@paradestdamiansjfc.com.au

OLMC College Tours

Bookings for 2024 Tours are now open.

Prospective families are invited on a tour of the OLMC facilities followed by an information session with Principal Judith Weir, Transition Coordinator Rowena Thomson and two students.


Follow the official Our Lady of Mercy College accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We’ll be sharing regular news, student achievements and stories from around the College.